Publications of the Group


Group publications are from 2016 on.

Table of Contents


The theses completed in our group:


  • Gaurav Athreya Endosymbionts, eukaryotes, and evolutionary transitions



  • Krishnan, N., Kun, Á., Gokhale C.S. and Garay, J. Early eukaryogenesis by host-initiated obligate ectosymbiosis and metabolic inhibition. bioRxiv-2024.09.08.611858
  • Lauenroth, D., and Gokhale, C.S. Assessing the probability and time of weed control failure due to herbicide resistance evolution. bioRxiv-2024.04.26.591266v1
  • Mikaberidze, A., Gokhale, C.S., Bargués-Ribera, M., & Verma, P. Economic analysis of disease and control of multi-field epidemics in agriculture bioRxiv-2023.09.05.556392
  • Athreya, G. S., Gokhale, C. S. & Verma, P. Antibiotic-mediated interactions underlying microbial diversity. (2023) bioRxiv-2023.02.15.528676
  • Patil, S., Nöbel, S. & Gokhale, C. S. Impact of female mate copying on male morph dynamics bioRxiv-2022.09.13.507757
  • Suswaram, D., Yeakel, J.D. and Gokhale, C.S. Parasitoid pressures and silence evolution bioRxiv-12.503800
  • Bargués-Ribera, M., Reeves, R.G., Gokhale, C.S., Eco-evolutionary dynamics of Plasmodium genotypes under mass drug administration, bioRxiv-818039
  • Rabajante, J.F., Anzia, E.L., Gokhale, C.S., On a mechanistic process of macroparasite aggregation, bioRxiv-680041
  • Gokhale, C.S., Wignall, A.E., On the innovation and evolution of predatory tactics, bioRxiv-530238


Journal articles


  1. Arango A, Pinto-Ledezma J, Rojas-Soto O, Villalobos F. Broad geographic dispersal is not a diversification driver for Emberizoidea. Proc. R. Soc. B. pdf
  2. C. Morison, M. Fic, T. Marcou, J. Mohamadichamgavi, J. Redondo Antón, G. Sayyar, A. Stein, F. Bastian, H. Krakovská, N. Krishnan, D. Pires, M. R. Satouri, F. J. Thomsen, K. Tjikundi, and W. Ali Public goods games in disease evolution and spread. forthcoming - Dynamic Games and Applications arXiv:2402.17842
  3. Fic M., Bastian F., Miękisz J., and Gokhale, C.S. Compartment model of strategy-dependent time delays in replicator dynamics. Journal of Theoretical Biology, 601, 2025, 112044 pdf arXiv:2409.01116
  4. Nguyen, P. L., & Gokhale, C.S. On multiple infections by parasites with complex life cycles. OIKOS pdf bioRxiv-2023.10.13.562184v1

  5. Neumann J, Rajendra D, Kaiser TS. The Free-Running Circasemilunar Period Is Determined by Counting Circadian Clock Cycles in the Marine Midge Clunio Marinus. Journal of Biological Rhythms 2024;0(0). pdf
  6. Barfuss, W., Flack, J., Gokhale, C.S., Hammond, L., Hilbe, C., Hughes, E., Leibog, J. Z., Lenaerts, T., Leonard, N., Levin, S., Sehwag, U. M., McAvoy, A., Meylahn, J. M., Santos, F. P., Collective cooperative Intelligence. forthcoming - PNAS
  7. Fic, M., Gokhale, C. S. Catalysing cooperation: the power of collective beliefs in structured populations. npj Complexity 1, 6 (2024). pdf
  8. Revathi Venkateswaran, V., Gokhale, C.S., Mangel, M., and Eliassen, S., Effects of time spent in pregnancy or brooding on immunocompetence Ecology & Evolution 14,1 e10764 pdf

  9. Gokhale, C.S., Rainey, P.B., and Frean, M., Eco-evolutionary logic of mutualisms, Dynamic Games and Applications pdf
  10. Lauenroth, D., and Gokhale, C.S. Theoretical assessment of persistence and adaptation in weeds with complex life cycles, Nature Plants 9, 1267–1279 bioRxiv-12.503772
  11. Gokhale, C.S., and Sharma, N. 2023 Optimising crop rotations via Parrondo’s paradox for sustainable agriculture. Royal Society Open Science 10:221401 Royal Soc. Open Science
  12. Gokhale, C. S., Velasque, M. and Denton, J. A. 2023 Ecological Drivers of Community Cohesion. mSystems, 10.1128/msystems.00929-22 bioRxiv-22022.05.15.491981v1

  13. Verma, P., Reeves, R. G., Simon, S. Otto, M. and Gokhale, C. S. 2022 The effect of mating complexity on gene drive dynamics. The American Naturalist, 201, 1 bioRxiv-2021.09.16.460618
  14. Gokhale, C. S., Bulbulia, J. & Frean, M. 2022 Collective narratives catalyse cooperation. Humanit Soc Sci Commun 9, 85 socRxiv
  15. Gao, Y., Pichugin, Y., Gokhale, C. S. & Traulsen, A. 2022 Evolution of reproductive strategies in incipient multicellularity. J Roy Soc Interface 19, 20210716. bioRxiv-2021.09.13.460035
  16. Traulsen, A., Gokhale, C.S., Shah, S. & Uecker, H. The Covid-19 pandemic: Basic insights from basic mathematical models, NAL Live - Nationale Akademie Leopoldina

  17. Gokhale, C.S., Giamo, S., & Remigi, P. 2021 Memory shapes microbial populations, PLoS Computational Biology, 17, e1009431 bioRxiv-370106
  18. Verma, P., Reeves, R. G. & Gokhale, C. S. 2021 A common gene drive language eases regulatory process and eco-evolutionary extensions. BMC Ecol Evol 21, 156. bioRxiv-970103
  19. Mafessoni, F., Lachmann, M. & Gokhale, C. S. 2021 On the fitness of informative cues in complex environments. J Theor Biol 527, 110819 bioRxiv-066571
  20. Venkateswaran, V. R., Roth, O. & Gokhale, C. S. 2021 Consequences of combining sex‐specific traits. Evolution doi:10.1111/evo.14204. bioRxiv-version-892810
  21. Park, H.J.$, Gokhale, C.S.$ , Bertels, F. ($ joint first authors), 2021. How sequence populations persist inside bacterial genomes. Genetics doi:10.1093/genetics/iyab027.bioRxiv-version-170514

  22. Pathak, S., Verma, P., Ram, S. K. & Sengupta, S. How strategy environment and wealth shape altruistic behaviour: cooperation rules affecting wealth distribution in dynamic networks. Proc Royal Soc B, 287, 20202250 bioRxiv version-077131
  23. Denton, J.A., Gokhale, C.S., (joint first authors) 2020. Synthetic symbiosis under environmental disturbances. mSystems, 5 (3) bioRxiv version-395426
  24. Bargués-Ribera, M., Gokhale, C.S., 2020. Eco-evolutionary agriculture: host-pathogen dynamics in crop rotations. PLOS Computational Biology, 16(1): e1007546 bioRxiv-402313

  25. Venkateswaran, V.R., Gokhale, C.S., 2019. Evolutionary dynamics of complex multiple games. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences,286(1905), p.20190900 OpenAccess bioRxiv-302265
  26. Denton, J.A., Gokhale, C.S., 2019. Synthetic mutualism and the intervention dilemma. Life - Special Issue “Synthetic Biology: From Living Computers to Terraformation”, 9 (1), 15
  27. Park, H-J., Gokhale, C.S., 2019. Ecological feedback on diffusion dynamics. Journal of the Royal Society Open Science, 6 (2), 181273

  28. Czuppon, P, Gokhale, C.S., 2018. Disentangling eco-evolutionary effects on trait fixation. Theoretical Population Biology, 124, 93-107.
  29. Roemhild, R., Gokhale, C.S., Dirksen, P., Blake, C., Rosenstiel, P., Traulsen, A., Andersson, D., Schulenburg, H., 2018. Cellular hysteresis as a novel principle to maximize the efficacy of antibiotic therapy, PNAS, 115(39), 9767-9772.

  30. Daubech, B., Remigi, P., Doin de Moura, G., Marchetti, M., Pouzet, C., Auriac, M-C., Gokhale, C.S., Masson-Biovin C., Capela, D., 2017. Spatio-temporal control of mutualism in legumes helps spread symbiotic nitrogen fixation, eLife, 6, 57.
  31. Schenk, H., Traulsen, A., Gokhale, C.S., 2017. Chaotic provinces in the kingdom of the Red Queen. Journal of Theoretical Biology, 431, pp.1–10.
  32. Liu, Y., Gokhale C.S., Rainey P.B., Zhang, X-X., 2017. Unravelling the complexity and redundancy of carbon catabolic repression in Pseudomonas fluorescens SBW25. Molecular microbiology, 105(4), pp.589–605.
  33. Bertels, F., Gokhale, C.S., Traulsen, A., 2017. Discovering Complete Quasispecies in Bacterial Genomes. Genetics, 206(4), pp.2149–2157.
  34. Gokhale, C.S., Traulsen, A., Joop, G., 2017. Social dilemma in the external immune system of the red flour beetle? It is a matter of time. Ecology & Evolution, 7(17), pp.6758–6765.

  35. Gokhale, C.S., Hauert, C., 2016. Eco-evolutionary dynamics of social dilemmas. Theoretical Population Biology, 111, 28–42.
  36. Papkou, A., Gokhale, C.S., Traulsen, A., Schulenburg, H., 2016. Host-parasite coevolution: why changing population size matters. Zoology (Jena, Germany), 119(4), pp.330–338.

    Publications of Gokhale prior to group formation
  37. Pichugin, Y., Gokhale, C.S., Garcia, J., Traulsen, A., Rainey, P.B., 2015. Modes of migration and multilevel selection in evolutionary multiplayer games. Journal of Theoretical Biology, 387, 144–153.
  38. Song, Y. Gokhale, C.S., Papkou, A., Schulenburg, H.,Traulsen, A., 2015. Host-parasite coevolution in populations of constant and variable size. BMC Evolutionary Biology, 15(1), p.212.
  39. Bauer, B., Gokhale, C.S., 2015. Repeatability of evolution on epistatic landscapes. Scientific reports, 5, p.9607.

  40. Gokhale, C.S., Traulsen, A., 2014. Evolutionary Multiplayer Games. Dynamic Games and Applications, 4(4), pp.468–488.
  41. Gokhale, C.S., Reeves, R.G., Reed, F.A., 2014. Dynamics of a combined medea-underdominant population transformation system. BMC Evolutionary Biology, 14(1), 98.

  42. Gokhale, C.S., Papkou, A., Traulsen, A., Schulenburg, H., 2013. Lotka-Volterra dynamics kills the Red Queen: population size fluctuations and associated stochasticity dramatically change host-parasite coevolution. BMC Evolutionary Biology, 13(1), p.254.
  43. Wu, B., Gokhale C.S., van Veelen, M., Wang, L., Traulsen, A., 2013. Interpretations arising from Wrightian and Malthusian fitness under strong frequency dependent selection. Ecology & Evolution, 3(5), pp.1276–1280.
  44. Wu, B., Traulsen, A., Gokhale, C.S., 2013. Dynamic Properties of Evolutionary Multi-player Games in Finite Populations. Games, 4(2), pp.182–199.

  45. Gokhale, C.S., Traulsen, A., 2012. Mutualism and evolutionary multiplayer games: revisiting the Red King. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 279(1747), 4611–4616.
  46. Wu, B., Gokhale C.S., Wang, L., Traulsen, A., 2012. How small are small mutation rates? Journal of Mathematical Biology, 64(5), pp.803–827.
  47. Han, T.A., Traulsen, A., Gokhale, C.S., 2012. On equilibrium properties of evolutionary multi-player games with random payoff matrices. Theoretical Population Biology, 81(4), pp.264–272.

  48. Gokhale, C.S., Traulsen, A., 2011. Strategy abundance in evolutionary many-player games with multiple strategies. Journal of Theoretical Biology, 283, 180–191.

  49. Altrock, P.M., Gokhale, C.S., Traulsen, A., 2010. Stochastic slowdown in evolutionary processes. Physical Review E, 82(1), 11925.
  50. Gokhale, C.S., Traulsen, A., 2010. Evolutionary games in the multiverse. PNAS, 107(12), 5500–5504.

  51. Gokhale, C.S., Iwasa, Y., Nowak, M., Traulsen A., 2009. The pace of evolution across fitness valleys. Journal of Theoretical Biology, 259(3), 613–620.
  52. Bhardwaj, A., Mukerji, M., Sharma, S., Paul, J., Gokhale, C.S., Srivastava, A.K., Tiwari, S., 2009. MtSNPscore: a combined evidence approach for assessing cumulative impact of mitochondrial variations in disease., BMC Bioinformatics, 10 Suppl 8, S7.

Book Chapter


  1. Gokhale, C.S., Park, H-J., Eco-evolutionary Spatial dynamics of Non-linear Social Dilemmas, in Advances in Dynamic Games, eds. David M. Ramsey and Jérôme Renault bioRxiv version-660266

Book review

  • Gokhale, C.S. and Traulsen, A.T., Rethinking the origins of biological games, reviewing Game Theory in Biology: Concepts and Frontiers by John M. McNamara and Olof Leimar for the International Society for Behavioural Ecology newsletter